Women in History month 2023

March 1st, 2023

Written by Katy Maude

Since 1987, March has been recognised as a month to celebrate inspirational women in history. It is a month dedicated to remembering the women who changed the world for the better, and made an impact on the life we live today.

It has only been 74 years since the National Service Act 1941 came into place, which made the conscription of women into the workplace legal. It is hard to fathom that, until then, it was actually against the law for women to work. The number of women in the workplace has positively progressed over the years and 72.3% of women in the UK are now in either part or full-time work.

Here at ACS, we take pride in the fact that, not only are over half our employee’s women, but we have more women in senior roles than men!

As the company’s 15-year anniversary approaches, we wanted to share the proud moments from some of the women who have been here from our infancy.

“I was the first salesperson to win ACS’ first contract.

When I started, we had ten people working for ACS - I’ve seen many changes over the last 15 years, but the one thing which hasn’t really changed is the fun side of working at ACS. I always joke with friends how I would not be able to work for a ‘normal company’.”

- Rachel Ashton, Account Manager

“It's been an amazing journey since ACS was established almost 15 years ago!

One of my favourite highlights is that we are dedicated to giving back to our local community, and we've been generously donating to The Clothing Bank to help those who are less fortunate.

We can’t forget about young Frosty either – everyday he comes to visit me for his daily treat!

All these positive changes have made the last 15 years a positive experience for me and our hardworking employees.”

- Sacha Jones, Sales Director

“I think I have a couple of really proud moments, one of which was winning the first contract account ACS had won from an E-Bid - which made me realise maybe I do have some skills in Excel and pricing.”

- Becky Wales, Head of Pricing

“15 years at ACS... Just saying that makes me proud.

However, one moment above this still stands out for me, and that’s Mike (ACS’ CEO) asking me to be part of it. At this point I had a 1-year-old and a home to fund, but it didn’t matter, whatever Mike had up his sleeve, I was 100% committed and trusted him in this exciting new venture.

To think we’ve gone from 4 employees to 112 is just AMAZING.”

- Rachael Chaplain, Sales Manager

It is without a doubt that ACS will continue to support and value the amazing women who work within the company, as without them we wouldn’t be where we are today.